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Ombuds and Mediation Services

Providing resources to provide better communication skills to assist with items of concern at your university, company, community group, and non-profit organization.  Some of the methods I use include mediation, conciliation, community building, and restorative approaches.


I also facilitate conversations for groups and departments, design training, and coordinate dialogue with other team members to support a thriving work environment.  Confidentiality and professional courtesy are central to establishing a safe space to speak openly and candidly about issues impacting your organization. 










Phone: 310-251-9070
Address Serving Southern California



Services include:




Communication Coaching


Group Trainings


Department facilitations


A Neutral to conduct discussions




Team-building Retreats


Restorative Practice Circles


Community Dialogue

Lucia Galante Johnson, M.S. FHD

Senior Mediator and Ombuds



Loyola Law School Center for Conflict Resolution is where I obtained my professional education as a Conflict Resolution Specialist and Mediator. 


With a Master's degree in Human Dynamics and Development, I am fascinated by the interactions and communications between how people connect with

one another.  


I received advanced training through the Dispute Resolution Programs Act (DRPA) for the state of California. 


I am a member of the International Ombuds Association (IOA) the United States Ombuds Association (USOA) and the Southern California Mediation Association (SCMA)




I serve as a third-party neutral allowing those involved in a dispute the opportunity to

share each of their views regarding the situation that brought them to mediate. 

Sometimes it is difficult for people to meet directly and a neutral is useful to guide

the conversation and create an environment of respect and guidance. The goal of

mediation is to find a middle ground, a place of agreement.  Participants in the

mediation are empowered to find solutions together.



One-on-one assistance is provided to discuss ways to address a difficult situation. 

E-mail, texts, and social media, at times, can lead to miscommunication.  Understanding

the protocol and learning to craft a response in a written manner that is respectful yet

clear on your expectations, wants, and needs is an art form.  Let me help you navigate

the world of written conversation. 


Group Facilitation:

Bringing everyone to the table in a safe space, allowing everyone to share, focusing on

common goals, and engaging in a considerate manner are key to a positive and growing

space for discussion. I have assisted departments, leaders, and managers, and orchestrated

healthy conversations. 


Team Training:

I design specialized training for your team based on your input, suggestions,

and particular, focus, you think would benefit the groups.  They are workshops

forward rather than lectures to allow the participants to home in on their learned skills. 



These workshops will provide conflict management skills, communication methods,

and dispute resolution models with topics centering around listening, understanding

another's perspective, and how to find common ground to arrive at agreements. 


Community Building:

Community building and transformation model. How to build teamwork in your

organizations.  Finding ways to bridge the gap between various styles of communication.

In addition, Restorative Justice tools are used to provide alternative resolutions

instead of punitive methods to resolve. dispute.










Other Services


1) Retreats

Full or 1/2-day facilitated retreats that focus on

enhancing your communication skills and

encourage healthy conversation. 


2) Stress Management programs

 Workshops or sessions on relaxation models that support the health and well-being of your team


3) Team-building  activities 

Group dynamic activities using the arts as

a vehicle for connections in your organization.  



4)  Cross-Cultural and Diversity 

Conflict transformation models center around

respecting and deep understanding of the various ways people communicate based on their cultural,

racial, religious, and life experiences. 


5) Family Dynamics & Relationships

Tensions and disputes at home and in private life can impact our work relationships and self-esteem.  Let me help navigate probate, visitation schedules, and custody concerns.





Couple in Mediation
Stand-up Meeting
Business Colleagues
Drumming and Baby Pax 210.JPG

What people say:

  • Higher Learning

  • Superior Court​

  • Law School

  • Health Care

  • Public Speaker




"Your skills as a neutral mediator were on full display throughout the process."                                                                                                          Department Chair


"Your calm, diplomatic, and kind disposition created a safe, inviting platform for everyone to speak their mind."                                                      University Dean


" Thank you so much for the time, energy, and expertise you offered

our faculty.  We were clearly in capable hands!"                                                Associate Dean 


" I am very interested in the Diversity and Inclusion courses and

the CLEAR workshops.  I had no idea what to expect.  I am really

enjoying the experience"                                                                                        Campus Staff Member


"You are an amazing mediator! Being part of our team has been instrumental in the success of our center.  Thank you."                                    Director of a non-profit organization


"You provided essential services to our self-represented parties. 

I am happy you are here"                                                                                      Superior Court Judge


"Amazing tools in her tool kit! Lucia is a dynamic presenter who

was able to reach our staff and clients with fast and easy tips

on how to reduce stress."                                                                                      Executive Director - Hospital 


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To schedule services

Contact Lucia at:


(310) 251-9070



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